Wednesday 12th July saw Glossop Rugby Club hold its first Mixed Ability Rugby session for young people, we hosted Newbridge Sports Pathway and Spring Brook Upper School.
These pupils have SEMH,which means social, emotional, mental health, and MLD learners which means pupils with Mild learning difficulties. Many of the students had not had the opportunity to play rugby before today and my word, didn’t they embrace it.
Even when the weather was not on our side, the session gave the youngsters an insight into the basics of rugby and its core values starting with a variety of passing games which very quickly led to a game of touch rugby, we then taught the techniques of tackling which brought smiles to everyone’s faces for many it was the highlight of the day. The last activity of the day was a team kicking/defending and attacking game which we always finish our sessions as it is a great team game.
All of pupils loved the Rugby session and are looking forward to coming back in September we are hoping to have more schools involved so we can have weekly sessions with a match once per month.
Mixed Ability Rugby was introduce to us a few months ago with a presentation from IMAS (INTERNATIONAL MIXED ABILITY SPORTS) the club embraced this and with an army of keen volunteers organised the first session for young people.
Our next aim is an adult Mixed Ability Rugby Team, Glossop Rugby Club is a real hub for all of the community. If you know of any young person or adult with learning disabilities, physical disabilities, and those recovering from mental health problems that would like to come and have a taster session with us please do contact Glossop RUFC As Mixed Ability Rugby is all inclusive.
We would also love to hear from ex-players who have now found it too demanding to play for senior teams your involvement and experience would really be apricated in setting up this new team.